Monday, June 16, 2008

Moral Punchlines: “Without courage to face the unknown, no gain can be achieved.”

From the Panchatantra, ancient India's animal tales with moral punchlines: One day Jackal was wandering the forest, searching for food. Suddenly he heard a booming noise growing louder and louder. Jackal shivered and crouched down into a hole in the forest floor. After hours of worrying, Jackal got up thoughtfully; after all, no one was around. "Let me be brave and see for myself what is making this eerie noise," he said. Peering over a large bush, Jackal laughed uncontrollably. What he saw was a banyan tree whipping the remains of an abandoned war drum. And near the drum lay a pile of delicious food. Jackal chuckled, "If I hadn't overcome my fear, I would have missed this marvelous dinner!"
An 8 by 8 inch linocut, carved and printed today. Thanks for stopping by! :)


Connie said...

I am a fan of woodcuts and this is a good one. I like the way it fills the page yet you can still spot the fox easily. Thank you for sharing the story!

knallbeige said...


Xavier Salomó said...

OH, god! Just find your blog!
Your work is absolutely fantastic in black and white...

aimee said...

outstanding! i love your black & white work. what a lucky find!

Eric Barclay said...

Nicola, this is very fine work that you do! Wonderful illustration and a wonderful message.

steve said...

your lono-cuts never fail to amaze. i wish i had more patience to acquire such skill. lovely job!

sheree boyd said...

lovely woodcut

Curious Art said...

Strong linocut with a strong message, as always in your work! I like the way the jagged background lines suggest the jarring sounds.

Nicky Linzey said...

I love your woodcuts and the stories that go with them.