Monday, April 2, 2012


Return to oil painting! Here is some detail from new work, including (improvised) Hong Kong birds. The Crested Bulbuls are my favorites; they fly around in pairs with almost perfect synchronicity. Have a great week!

And for all you printmaking fans, here is a Charles Brand press with a 4 foot roller! It is housed, and used, in the beautiful Visual Arts Center in Hong Kong Park, as pictured here.


Cindy D. said...

Beautiful work! I am considering an oils class but it seems so intimidating. I really love the bird (but I always prefer animals to people).

Nicky Linzey said...

I love your bird paintings, they are so serene.

Curious Art said...

Gorgeous colors in that bird! I like the way you break up the planes when you use oils. And what a beautiful printmaking facility!

Linda Hensley said...

Very nice! Makes me want to see the rest of the painting.

Creations By Mit said...

Beautiful bird! Love the jewel tones!

Effie said...

Very nice painting! The bird looks like he is having some serious thoughts.